Are there things one should do or avoid after a wax

Are there things one should do or avoid after a wax

Worried about your body after waxing? Don’t worry! Here are the Do’s and Don’ts one should follow after waxing.
After 24 to 36 hours of hair removal you need to follow some skincare tips to soothe your skin and make your waxing last longer.
So here you go


  • Exfoliate

To maintain the silky soft skin you get after waxing exfoliate your skin once in a week or every fifteen days.

  • Return to moisture

The simple yet most effective way of maintaining post-wax silky soft skin is by moisturizing. Moisturize as much as possible

  • Cold compresses

It is always a good idea to soothe your skin with cold compresses after getting waxed, It usually shuns away redness, irritation or inflammation caused by the hair removal treatment.

  • Choose only reputed brands

Skin is very delicate. Never compromise with local products and brands. Always choose top quality products tested by dermatologists.


  • Avoid heat

Just after your hair removal treatment, never take bath using hot water.

  • Do not touch your skin just after waxing

Resist scratching or touching the waxed areas to avoid bumps or bacterial infection.

  • Do not expose yourself to sun

Wait for 36 to 48 hours before getting out in the sun to avoid irritation.
Follow the skincare regime and be confident about yourself.
Be confident-use Veet!